3 Ways Web Writing is Different from Creative Writing
Are you confused between web writing and creative writing?
So, here you go!!!
Writing is not that easy as people think. Writing is all about your perspective. It is a process from a plan to finally posting your content online.
So, what do you think is web writing?
The name itself says a writer who writes for websites and other online platforms. A web content writer is also referred to as SEO content writer. The content that he/she generally writes is related to content required for promoting any brand, product or service.
Pondering what is creative writing now?
This type of writing follows the concept of feel free to write. Whatever you think, whatever you imagine just put it on the page.
Differences between web writing and creative writing
If you ask a non-writer, you may get to know that both are the same. Now, ask the same question from a writer, you will get to know a wider and clear picture.
Now let’s move into the world of actually understanding the difference between web writing and creative writing.
- Content Purpose: The purpose of web writing is to promote a product or a service. Content writing forces you to think according to the reader. You may have to move into the reader’s shoes during web writing. It needs a connection between you and your audience. Here, what the client wants is more important as compared to what you think. It is a pathway for social-media, links on websites, and search engines. In this case, it is of utmost importance to ensure that the content is informative so that the audience can relate to it and find it easily. Here, the particulars should be straight forward without much emphasis on conveying your thoughts.
On the other hand, the purpose of creative writing is to express your feelings and thoughts. Creative writing includes poetry, story, quotes, and songs. In creative writing, you should use your imagination. Readers want to read your experiences in form of writing. If you are a creative writer you should be more focused on observing the things. You can share your personal life experiences writing content that is expressive. Think out of the box, if you are a creative writer. Creative writing allows you to understand your audience in a better way.
- Content Style: The style of web writing follows a structure since you are promoting your product or service. It is important to share the information by putting it straight forward while writing for web. You need to keep the content simple and easy. Don’t make it difficult by using complex words. The client will prefer choosing that content style that he/she feels is nearest to the audience’s perspective. So, it is indispensable for you to ensure that the customers feel connected while reading your content. Present your content attractively to target the audience.
The style of creative writing does not follow any structure. In this, the writer is free to write according to the reader’s imagination. Creative writing is boundless from any form of technique. The writer is free to show their creativity. A writer can create scenarios by their liking and imagination. Put your thoughts in a manner so as, the audience also flows into your imaginary world. Extract ideas from your perceptions and experiments to attract an audience.
- Content Vision: In the world of web writing, your vision is at the back foot and you follow the client’s vision. If you write the content from your vision then it’s a big NO. You have to burn your thoughts and perceptions. Whatever the client wants, you have to create a write-up accordingly. The client knows the demand of their audience. Content need strategies and that is why the client’s vision is important.
In creative writing, your vision matters a lot. It is you and your imaginary world which can create stories, poetries from your perspective. The best part of creative writing is that your vision becomes the audience’s vision. In this form of writing, readers will see the picture from your point of view. It is you who will attract the readers through your own experiences.
So, are you ready to fly on a trip to write?
If you want to share your thoughts then start writing.
Writing is not everyone’s cup of tea but once you start, you will not have to come to a stop. It is you and your thoughts which will grow day by day once you start writing.
There is no clear winner in the battle of web writing and creative writing. However, everyone is a writer; it’s just that you have to analyze your writing skills. It takes time and patience but it is possible!!!
So, what are you thinking?
Hold a pen, take a paper, and weave your thoughts into words!!!